Grange Lane rules and regulations

(Updated November 2023)

Plot Allocations

1. The land is allocated in 5 or 6 rod plots for which the rental shall be determined annually by the Committee of the Grange Lane Section (‘The Section Committee’). Plot-holders may not extend their existing boundaries.

2.  No land may be occupied beyond the rented Plot, and the maximum holding by any member should not exceed 3 Plots.

3. No plot may be sub-let or assigned to any other person without the authority of the Committee.


4. No building or structure may be erected anywhere on the field with the exception of the following:

i) one toolbox per plot measuring not more than 2 metres long by 1 metre wide by 1.3 metre high

ii) one cold frame per plot measuring not more than 2.5 metres by 1.5 metres and max height .75m to be polycarbonate or safety glass

iii) small grow-tunnels (micro-polytunnels) allowed but with maximum size limit: height 1.3m (4.2 ft), width 1.2m (4ft) and length 1.5m (5 ft).

iv) cloches, fleeces, supports for climbing plants and cages for protecting crops, provided that the structure is inconspicuous in the opinion of the Section Committee and maximum height 2m

v) All storage/cold-frames to be inconspicuous in brown or green and not on fixed concrete base.  Total footprint of storage and compost bins not to breach relevant cultivation requirement.

vi) No fixed or installed video cameras to be used on plots

Note that the new rules on structures above were agreed by the membership at the 2022 AGM and not applicable to structures prior to this date.

Paths and Common Areas

5. Plot holders must use their best endeavours to protect fences, gates, locks, trees, any common parts of the site, the gardens and crops of other plot holders.

6. Plot holders must maintain paths and footways and ensure nothing on their plots impedes use of the paths around their plot.  They are responsible for strimming and keeping tidy the grass paths adjacent to their plots, in particular the paths on the eastern and northern edges, and for maintaining proper channels / ditches around the edge of their plots.

7. No standing object shall be fixed on a plot closer than 30 cm (1 foot) of the edge of a plot.

8. No rubbish is to be dumped on other plots or common parts or on uncultivated ground adjacent to the allotments.


9. No nuisance is permitted that may cause annoyance to neighbours or other members. Dogs need to be with their owner and under control at all times. Children are welcome in the company of a responsible adult but should go onto other people’s plots, or cause a nuisance by noise, damage to plants or trees, or running around unsupervised.  Ball games are not permitted. Any injury to children, adults, plants, trees or any other part of the allotment site arising from failure to comply with these requirements will be the responsibility of the adult in charge.


10. It is a condition of our agreement with the Dulwich Estate that no timber, or other tree, sapling, pollard or shrub standing on or overhanging any part of the allotments shall be lopped, topped, cut down, felled, destroyed or otherwise damaged. Any fines imposed by the Dulwich Estate for the breach of this regulation shall be the responsibility of the relevant plot holder. Any queries about the maintenance of trees, shrubs and bushes shall be referred to the Committee.

Cultivation and Use

11. The plots should be used for gardening purposes only, not as market garden. No livestock shall be kept on the allotments.

12. Plots should be kept in good order and condition, properly dug, planted and free from weeds. Plots must be at least 75% cultivated and 25% or less used for lawns, paths and/ or structures.

13. No soil, sand, mould, gravel or clay should be removed, and no rubbish shall be deposited on the roads, hedges and channels/ditches.

14. All channels/ditches to be free-running at all times.

15. No standing object shall be fixed on a plot closer than 30 cm (1 foot) of the edge of a plot.

16. Shallow ponds allowed provided that they are in line with insurance requirements and guidelines. The Committee must be advised of any ponds by the Holder.


17. It is a condition of our insurance that the following precautions are taken in respect of bonfires or other burning of debris: (i) fires are to be in a cleared area at a distance of at least 10 metres from any property; (ii) fires are not to be unattended at any time; (iii) fires are to be extinguished at least one hour prior to leaving the site; and (vi) fires must be carried out within metal containers. The burning of plastic, plastic, painted or treated wood and other noxious materials is not permitted.

Bonfires are only permitted on Tuesdays and the first Saturday and last Sunday of the month.


18. Use of hosepipes on the site is not permitted. Damage to water tanks by illegal use of hosepipes will be charged to the relevant plotholder.  Breach of this regulation will lead to termination of the tenancy.

19. The use of airguns, shotguns, or any other kind of weapon on the allotments, for whatever purposes, including the shooting of birds, squirrels and rats, is not permitted.

20. Plot holders shall, as regards the allotments, observe and perform any other rules and regulations which may be made by the Camberwell and District Allotment Society or the Section Committee at any time, and will do nothing which could be in breach of the Lease from the Estate’s Governors, or the Insurance Regulations.

Use of Weedkillers/Glyphosate

Glyphosate is possibly carcinogenic and, as a ‘systemic’ herbicide it can also impact negatively on insect biodiversity (eg bees) and thus on animals higher in the food chain (eg amphibians), by killing all plants it comes into contact with.

GLA does not endorse the use of glyphosate. As a last resort, a plotholder may have a pressing need to use it in a minimal and highly-targeted way to control persistent weeds (eg bindweed, couch grass) that cannot be fully controlled otherwise. However, the plot holder must follow manufacturers’ safety instructions and should abide by the RHS advice on weedkillers for home gardeners. Plot holders must not use it on or near to common areas like paths and water tanks. If the London Borough of Southwark decides to ban its use, we will review this position (statement made at 2023 AGM).

See Also