Grange Lane Allotments is a section of the Camberwell and District Allotment Society Ltd. (CDAS Ltd.). (The other sections are Gunsite Allotments and Grove Allotments.) The current rules adopted by CDAS are listed below. These rules apply to its operation as an overarching society and, through rule 4, to the operation of the individual sections. (These rules are currently under review.)
Camberwell and District Allotment Society Ltd. Rules
1. NAME The name of the Society shall be The Camberwell and District Allotment Society
2. OBJECTS The Objects of the Society shall be:.
- To promote the interests of allotment holders and gardeners and to take joint action for the benefit of members.
- To co-operate with any committee set up by the Government, local authority and other bodies, to further the interests of allotment holders.
- To co-operate with any central committee, local authority, national or district body having as their objects the provision of horticultural supplies.
- To conduct negotiations in respect of land and to manage lands held by the Society under lease or agreement.
- To take such measures as may be required for the good management of allotments.
- To take such measures as may be possible to protect members from damage, trespass and theft.
3. MEMBERS The Society shall consist of allotment holders, gardeners and other persons interested in horticulture, whose applications for membership are approved by the Committee, or whose applications for a plot are accepted on behalf of a section.
4. SECTIONS Each field of allotment plots held by the Society shall be managed as a separate section with its own committee. Each section committee shall be responsible for the letting of plots on its field and for ensuring that the terms of any lease for that field are observed by plot holders. Any dispute between an individual plot holder and the section committee shall be subject to an appeal to the committee of the main Society (“the Committee”). Any such appeal shall be made within 6 weeks of the decision being appealed against. The Committee shall meet within 21 days of being notified of the dispute to resolve the same. At any meeting of the Committee considering such dispute members of the section committee involved in the dispute shall have no vote, and the quorum at such a meeting shall be not less than three members having the right to vote. Notwithstanding rule 13, the decision of the Committee shall be final and binding. Disputes between plot holders shall be initially dealt with by the committee of the section in question with a right of appeal to the Committee if no resolution can be reached at section level. The rules applicable to the governance of each section, the constitution of section committees and the holding of section committee and general meetings shall be decided by each section in general meeting and in the absence of such decision shall be determined by the section committee in question subject to ratification in general meeting. In the absence of any decision to the contrary by a section committee or general meeting on matters in which it is competent to act, these Rules shall apply to each section to the extent applicable.
5. MEMBERSHIP AND OTHER FEES Every member shall pay an annual membership fee of £3.50 or such other sum as may be determined by Annual General Meeting which shall be forwarded by the sections to the Treasurer of the main Society. Other fees as approved by Annual General Meeting may be payable to the main Society.
6. ARREARS Subscriptions are due at the latest by 30 November each year. Any member who has not paid their subscription by this date will cease to be a member.
7. OFFICERS The Officers shall be an Honorary Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The Chairman shall have a casting vote. The Committee may appoint and remove an Honorary President.
8. COMMITTEE The affairs of the main Society shall be conducted by a Committee of Management of not less than eight members to include the Officers, and 2 representatives nominated by each section. The Officers shall retire at the Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election. Unless otherwise stated in these rules a quorum at a Committee Meeting shall be not less than five members. The Committee shall have the right to fill vacancies amongst the Officers and to co-opt not more than three members if required. The members so appointed shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting.
9. GENERAL MEETINGS The Annual General Meeting, at which the audited accounts and the Secretary’s report shall be submitted, and the officers for the ensuing year elected, will be held at a date to be fixed by the Committee. Other General Meetings shall be held at such times as the Committee or a General Meeting shall determine. 20 Members shall form a quorum. Special General Meetings shall be called on the requisition in writing of at least 20 Members. Fourteen days notice of all General Meetings shall be given.
10. DISCUSSIONS AT MEETINGS No party political or sectarian discussions shall be raised or resolutions proposed, either at any Committee or General Meeting of the Society.
11. FUNDS The Committee shall open one or more banking accounts in the name of the Society with such banks as the Committee may select, and all the monies received from any source by the Treasurer on behalf of the Society shall be paid into such accounts. Cheques shall be signed by two members nominated by the Committee. Petty cash not exceeding £20 shall be drawn by cheque. The Committee shall have the power to invest funds of the Society.
12. AUDIT There shall be appointed an Auditor(s), who is not a member of the Committee, to audit the accounts and submit their report to the Annual General Meeting.
13. OFFENCES The Committee may expel a member whose conduct is proved to their satisfaction to be detrimental to the interests of his fellow members. Any charge against a member must be communicated in writing. An appeal from a decision of the Committee may be made to a Special General Meeting on the requisition in writing of 20 members.
14. CONVERSION, DISSOLUTION, etc. The Society may be converted into a registered society, or may be dissolved, or these rules may be amended by a two thirds majority at a General Meeting. The objects for which such meeting is called shall be stated in the notice convening the meeting.
15. ACCIDENT OR LOSS The Society is absolved from liability in respect of accident or loss of property incurred by members.
16. MATTERS NOT PROVIDED FOR Any matters not provided for in the Rules shall be dealt with by the Committee at their discretion.