Grange Lane Allotments are a section of Camberwell and District Allotment Society Ltd (CDAS Ltd.).
CDAS Ltd is a registered as a Co-operative Society
Registered number: 5210
Registered address: Grange Lane Allotment Site
Grange Lane, London SE21 7LH
GLA Tenancy Agreement
This can be found here
Helpers Rights and Responsibilities
These are set out here
Code of Conduct
Thank you to everyone who voted for the amended Code of Conduct at the last AGM. 92.5% of those who voted, supported the document and its principles.
Details of the Code of Conduct can be found here
Organisational Rules – Under Review
The finalisation of the organisational relationship between CDAS and the different allotments that make up its sections (including GLA) is still being finalised.